December 27, 2020

How to make your best Art next year

As we are about to cross over into a new year, I thought I would share a few ways to set yourself and your art up for success in 2021. All 5 of these ideas are made possible by planning. When I take time to revisit what I am making or desire to make, it almost always goes faster, easier, and with far better results.

Have a look here:

I go over 5 key ideas in this video today, but the 5th one is probably the most important. So here it is:

In 2021, be extra vigilant about raising the bar on the kind of art you spend your time making. I am not talking about materials or subject matter.

I am referring to endeavoring to reduce the amount of art you make, that is just ok. The new year is a great time to reset the button on trying to spend the majority of your time making art that only truly moves you. In other words, you have to love it. The response, opportunities, and personal energy gained from making more of this kind of art will bolster your progress in 2021.

It is simple. Focus on making what you love. Then share it.

And watch what happens!

How are you going to change your art in 2021?
Let us know your plans in the comments below.

After all, planning is where all good things begin.

I hope you have a restful reprieve this Holiday Season.
Thank you all for another year of joining me on this Creative Path.
It means the world to me.


PS If you haven’t already, join the Free Art2Life Artists Facebook Group by clicking here. Every day, artists from all over the world are creating amazing art and you are invited!

Nicholas Wilton

Hi! I’m
Nicholas Wilton
the founder of Art2Life.

With over 20 years experience as a working artist and educator, I’ve developed a systematic approach that brings authenticity, spontaneity and joy back into the creative process.

Join me and artists from all over the world in our Free Art2Life Artists Facebook Group or learn more here about Art2Life.

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