April 26, 2020

What can you use again?

This time is partly about managing with less. Less driving, less shopping and less social engagements.

Interestingly, it actually doesn’t feel like less. My days feel more calm. I am noticing and discovering more. It is affecting my art, too. I am even finding and using different art supplies I forgot I even had.

This video today is about discovering new creative approaches, tools and thinking in this time. Especially in your art. Click on the video below to watch.

The colors in your art can serve as connection points for I had a stack of buckets lying around the studio and one day I started to mix my paint in them instead of on a palette. I realized that this simple approach saved me so much time walking back and forth to my palette. It also has helped me paint larger and with more spontaneity. I had no idea how much the feeling of running out of paint on my tiny palette was holding me back.

My art is now more free and fresh. I am enjoying making it way more. All of this because I repurposed some old plastic buckets.

So my question for you is: What are you repurposing to make your art?
Let us know in the comments below.

This same question is also the theme for the next episode of the Kitchen Table Art Project.

So grab some materials you don’t ordinarily use to make art and join us this Wednesday at 12 pm PDT. We will be talking, laughing and art-making.

See you all on Wednesday!


PS Watch or get last weeks’ episode’s “KTAP Materials + Resources” PDF.”
We also recommend you bookmark the above link just to make sure you can always find the PDFs and recordings of previous KTAP episodes.

See you there!

Nicholas Wilton

Hi! I’m
Nicholas Wilton
the founder of Art2Life.

With over 20 years experience as a working artist and educator, I’ve developed a systematic approach that brings authenticity, spontaneity and joy back into the creative process.

Join me and artists from all over the world in our Free Art2Life Artists Facebook Group or learn more here about Art2Life.

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