March 22, 2020

From my kitchen table to yours…

I am sitting at my kitchen table and I just made this video with my phone.
Right now, I have very limited access to my studio. Like you, I can’t do many of the things I love right now. The hardest part is that I am mostly by myself. Everything feels uncertain.

However there are three things that I can still do that I love.

The first relates to the economic meltdown in 2009. I lost so much then. However, right in the
hardest part of that time I had a thought that really helped me feel better.

I thought about my future self. I decided it was important to create something at that present time so that in the not too distant future I could look back and say “Even though that time was hard I managed to do X.” What could I create now that would turn into the silver lining of this hard time?”

Click on the video below to watch.

Well for me it was my art. I learned about the power of setting intentions. This ridiculously hard time, when all seemed lost for me, ended up teaching me some crucial lessons about art and life making. I started to share what I was learning and this is how Art2life began.
The silver lining of that hard time was the gift of this community called Art2life.

So today, I want to pose a similar question to the one I asked myself about 10 years ago. And this is it:

“What does this time make possible for you?”

What seeds are you going to plant in this challenging time that will blossom in the near future? We all share uncertainty right now. But more importantly we all share in the opportunity to create something truly amazing. It will be different for all of us, but I believe it is super important to consider.

Especially now.

Our future is the creative expression of the seeds we plant today. I love this first idea because I can work on this now.

The second thing I can still do is my art. I can’t work on the really large paintings as my studio access is limited but I can still make small things. I can work in my sketchbook, make collages, draw, write and do smaller paintings on my kitchen table.

And most importantly, I can still talk and laugh with friends. Maybe not in person but virtually. Lately I feel like I need to do more of these last two. So today I am starting something.

It is called the Kitchen Table Art Project. Each week on this Sunday Vlog I will be sharing an idea that can be a starting place for talking, sharing and creating. Then on the following Wednesday from 12-1:30 pm PDT, I will be hosting a live event from my kitchen table to yours. We can talk, laugh and maybe even share what we are making.

The question, “What does this time make possible for you?” is just a starting place for a conversation. This time is just about talking, laughing and being together. And maybe making
some art at the same time.

I think we need this more than ever. I know I do.

“What does this time make possible for you?”

let me know your starting thoughts about this question in the comments below.

Make your art.
Especially now.

PS I look forward to seeing you this coming Wednesday at 12-1:30 pm PDT
Bring your friends. Bring your kids. Let’s do this. You can find all the details here:
(if the above link does not work for you, please copy and paste the URL into your browser)

PSS Stay safe. Stay at home.
Together we can beat Coronavirus if we do.

Nicholas Wilton

Hi! I’m
Nicholas Wilton
the founder of Art2Life.

With over 20 years experience as a working artist and educator, I’ve developed a systematic approach that brings authenticity, spontaneity and joy back into the creative process.

Join me and artists from all over the world in our Free Art2Life Artists Facebook Group or learn more here about Art2Life.

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