November 24, 2019

Want to improve your art? Share it.

Making art can be hard.
But sharing it with others sometimes can be even harder.

I think this is because, for some reason, we feel we
have to be perfect.

But this notion holds us back.
And it certainly can stop us from sharing.

Sharing, however,  is the very thing that can help improve our art.

In this week’s video, I will share the reasons why.

There are 3 ways that might help you overcome the resistance
to sharing your art.

The first is simply to just remember that you are just learning.
And learning in always rocky and uneven.
That is why it is called learning. If you can embrace this idea and
get comfortable with this fact, then so will everyone else.
Nobody cares, especially if you don’t. Your art is simply where it
is right now and that is perfectly ok.

Secondly, if you share your art, often there will be a response.
And sometimes, this feedback can shed a different light on your art.

Of course, always take feedback with a big grain of salt. Although, if
5 people say something similar, it sometimes can open your eyes to
seeing something new in your art. Feedback can help you add
objectivity in the process of your artmaking.

Thirdly, the habit of sharing invites reciprocity.
Putting your art out into the world is, in the end, an act of
generosity. You never know what or how someone will respond to
the gift of your art.

When we give first, often the response will surprise you. By sharing your art
you are offering people a little bit of wonder, surprise or even curiosity.

Wonder, surprise and curiosity are the very same feelings we need
to cultivate in the process of our art making.

How great is it that these very same emotions can result in the
sharing of our art?

Sharing is not just a huge win for others but for you too.

How do you share your art?

Let us know in the comments below.

Have a great Sunday!


PS If you are new to Art2life, click on the link below to get my free Color Tips PDF.

This can help improve the color in your art.

Color Tips Download.

Nicholas Wilton

Hi! I’m
Nicholas Wilton
the founder of Art2Life.

With over 20 years experience as a working artist and educator, I’ve developed a systematic approach that brings authenticity, spontaneity and joy back into the creative process.

Join me and artists from all over the world in our Free Art2Life Artists Facebook Group or learn more here about Art2Life.

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