Do you ever feel like your art has stayed the same for too long?
When this happens to me I do a this really cool exercise. It totally works for me. Let me show you ..
Here is the basic idea…
I give myself the task of only doing two things. Do something big and make it different than what I have done before. Whatever you make, providing it answers those two criteria, will often jumpstart your creativity.
Bold, different moves lead to bigger, faster changes in your art.
And change is what it is all about. Especially in art.
How do you jumpstart your creative process? Let us know in the comments below.
Hope your day in the studio is great.
PS The winners of the Sennelier T shirt giveaway are Kelly Bracamontes and Kendra who commented about overcoming her dry spell in art.
Shoot me an email at in**@ar******.com with your shirt size and mail delivery address! Congratulations!
Special thanks for the folks over @artsavoirefaire for hooking us up with a few of these great shirts. Also check out @sennelier1887 to learn more about these oil pastels and oil sticks.
If you want to purchase them you can find them here or in better art stores in your area.
PSS If you are new to Art2life, click on the link below to get my free Color Tips PDF.
This can help improve the color in your art.

Hi! I’m
Nicholas Wilton
the founder of Art2Life.
With over 20 years experience as a working artist and educator, I’ve developed a systematic approach that brings authenticity, spontaneity and joy back into the creative process.
Join me and artists from all over the world in our Free Art2Life Artists Facebook Group or learn more here about Art2Life.