While travelling in Mallorca I got to
peek into Joan Miró’s studio.
Artist studios are such personal places and Miro’s
was no exception. His lifelong dream was to create
a beautiful studio in his adopted home of Palma,
Mallorca to make his art.
Everything is left the way it was when he was working.
There are stacks of paintings, newspaper clippings, found objects
as well as postcards from all over the world still pinned to the walls.
Miro selected everything in his studio and as a result all of it seems
related to the work he was making. It somehow all makes
sense when you peer into the space.
Throughout the studio there are numerous found objects,
paint stained tabletops, a shipping crate sent from London,
a portfolio folder with a hand lettered label which read “Varis” important
and of course dozens of canvases.
Even though I could see everything in the studio I couldn’t
help wondering about what I could not. What was spoken here
during the many afternoons Miro made his art? What about that
spring day in 1958 when it was announced that he won the
Guggenheim International Award? What did he say when
he was struggling with his art?
How he thought, spoke and expressed himself ultimately was
what created this remarkable fountainhead of art.
It is the same for us too. How we speak about what
we are doing, the words we choose will undoubtedly
influence the potential of our own creative expression.
I believe we all need to become better at choosing
accurate words to describe what and how we are making art.
I decided to create 2 lists that are compilations of the most
common positive and negative phrases and words I hear
from artists who are struggling as well as those thriving.
I believe there is a big connection with what we say
and ultimately what we create.
Below are some of the most common best (and worst) studio
words and phrases… do any of these sound familiar to you?
These words and phrases might help you make your best art…
Scary (in a good way)
In love
Letting go
Favorite Colors
These words and phrases might not help you make your best art…
Am I talented?
I am bored.
She is better than me.
No one will buy this.
Behind everyone
No time.
I will just wait.
I am too old.
I can’t let them know.
I am a slow learner.
I am great.
It sells so it is good.
He / She said my art was great.
He / She said my art was not.
My best art is in the past.
What words and phrases you are ready
to omit or add into your creative life?
Let us know in the comments below!

Hi! I’m
Nicholas Wilton
the founder of Art2Life.
With over 20 years experience as a working artist and educator, I’ve developed a systematic approach that brings authenticity, spontaneity and joy back into the creative process.
Join me and artists from all over the world in our Free Art2Life Artists Facebook Group or learn more here about Art2Life.