October 24, 2013


981_TrustI endeavor to stick to the subject of art in the context of this blog. However because my art is my life much muddling does occur between the personal and professional. To try to separate the two seems forced and frankly is just not my experience of how a career in art goes. Maybe that is the same for you too.

My work is tied to what is happening in my life.

Lately I have been in the process of having to reestablish certain relationships with people so that I can be more like myself, so that I can be more in integrity with who I am and who I would like to become. It is difficult to honestly look at yourself. It takes a certain leap of faith to try and change things. It affects everyone.

I know and teach people how when you are clear about what you are trying to do in art that the art will just automatically get stronger. If you are carrying purpose and conviction within you, your art will carry the same. Other people can feel this in your art. Usually, they will want to keep this feeling around so they will purchase your art and bring it home. They want to feel or be reminded of how it feels to be purposeful—to be engaged with something that matters. They, like the rest of us just want to feel again what it feels like to be alive.

Your art allows this to happen.

The tricky thing with relationships unlike a relationship with your art practice is that it involves someone else. It is a negotiation, a delicate dance of two people trying to be themselves in one place at one time utilizing trust and mutual understanding to safeguard and preserve the relationship.

When I begin working in my studio, when I begin yet another painting, I really understand now that this too is a kind of relationship of sorts. My art and I have been in an ongoing relationship together for many, many years. Yesterday, quietly standing (actually standing on one foot as I am still on these damn crutches after a recent Achilles surgery!) in front of a large half finished painting, I was profoundly hit with the fact that this committed relationship is very comforting to me especially when things in my life feel difficult. It feels reassuring. I am so grateful that this relationship exists in my life.

Like relationships we have with other people, this one also takes honesty and the ability to objectively see your self, as a difficult as that sometimes can be. You also need trust. There might even be MORE need for trust in art making than in a typical relationship with another person.

After thinking about this for a while, I realized that maybe these 2 kinds of relationships are not that different after all.

The high level of trust that is needed in a relationship with an art practice originates from your self. It is all about acting on a hunch, really feeling inside what needs to become and trusting that you are capable, ready and absolutely divinely capable to bring it forth.

I am learning that the trust in a regular relationship between two people not surprisingly originates from within your self. This pertains to everything in the relationship. In fact, everything that is worthwhile comes as a result of trusting yourself to steer in a particular direction. One that is aligned and in resonation with your life.

We don’t know ahead of time where we are actually going, but this is where the trust comes in. This is the kind of trust that originates within you, a trust that you are moving, albeit slowly in the right direction.

Please leave your thoughts and comments below.

Faithfully, Nicholas

Nicholas Wilton

Hi! I’m
Nicholas Wilton
the founder of Art2Life.

With over 20 years experience as a working artist and educator, I’ve developed a systematic approach that brings authenticity, spontaneity and joy back into the creative process.

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